Adios Dientes

Today was wisdom teeth day. I went in thinking it would suck, and I came out pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t bad at all.

Not. I am lying. Of course it sucked, I was put to sleep in a cold room with a painful iv and more tubes than should have been necessary so that the surgeon could cut up my gums and break up my teeth to remove them from my mouth. I reiterate my belief that dentists are sadistic.

I’m still recovering from the anesthesia, and I’m nicely swollen with some ongoing bleeding that hasn’t stopped yet. My throat is sore, my jaw is sore, and those spots are achy. Kudos to my brother, but I think I’ll be missing the pizza and bowling tonight!

I took these pictures last Monday, the first one is the room I had my teeth out in. That’s some high quality tv there… My regular dentist has LCDs in the ceiling :( they were making me watch a video on all the horrific things that could go wrong. The other picture is my panoramic X-ray. Exciting, right?

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